Friday, 6 April 2007

Hello World

Well I have never previously used a blog site, being content to add stuff to my web page in the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, UK.

It has myriad links to all sorts of discussion notes presentations and research papers (published and unpublished) produced over many years. But some bits have had the character of blogs, reflecting on the follies of politicians, university managers, people who believe there is a god who listens to their prayers, and so on. So I thought I would try transferring such musings here.

Not sure when I'll have time to start, however, so here's a link to previous 'bloggy' stuff of mine: and here is another:

For idle browsers here's information about the many kinds of things I have been writing over the last few decades:

Dear reader: there are zillions of bloggers and blogs in the big wide world, so if you happen to stumble across this, you have defied the laws of chance. Congratulations.

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